The season has begun. Traditionally the day that the first seed of the year is planted is when we know we are at the beginning of the growing season. Our anticipation is high, as are our hopes. We feel that our plan to grow to 150 members and add a full-time employee is a bold move, and one we embrace.
Growing food for a living and feeding a portion of the local community is not the type of livelyhood Rebecca or I saw in our cards during our school years. But as we enter our tenth CSA season we know that there is nothing else we would rather be doing. So we look forward to watching the wonders that come from feeding the soil and growing plants, to welcoming hens to the farm, to eating the best food imaginable, to sharing it all with a supportive community, and to the sweat and sore muscles that tell us we did our best.
We still have lots of openings at our four distribution locations, so head over to our website, or send a link to a friend and join in the experience that is Community Supported Agriculture.
First seed of the 2013 season |
This is our first Spring with a high tunnel, so what we need to do to get it ready for the harvesting of mid-April crops is new to us. We do have a clue though, and began in earnest on Wednesday prepping the ground. Step one was to clear out any remaining debris and weeds from the Fall planting. This is to help keep down disease and bug pressure from leftover pests.
Next step was to give the soil a breath of fresh air. The broadfork is the tool used by many to open up the soil down to a foot or so, and to help loosen it up for seedbed prep. Below are a couple photos of Rebecca in action. It is as good a workout as any stationary bike or treadmill, so if you need some exercise don’t spend your money at the gym, come out to the farm. There is another 800 feet of broadforking to go.
Stabbing the broadfork |
Driving in the broadfork |
Prepping the high tunnel |
Of course the fields will need attention soon too. A week ago we got our delivery of Missouri Organic compost. Two truckloads will be spread throughout the season to add organic matter and nutrients to the soil. We learned last year that it arrives a little hot, so we got it early and plan to spread some the next time the pile isn’t frozen.
20 yards of compost |
And now we know where to find Rocky first thing on a cold morning. You can’t blame him for sleeping on a warm pile of compost instead of the cold ground. He even prefers it to the staw bale dog-house we built him. And of course there is nothing like a compost-dust covered dog to nuzzle up to you in the morning.
Rocky staying warm on the compost pile |