Monthly Archives: February 2015

Moving on Up

The weather this February has been much more conducive to winter work than last year. We have been living by the old saying “make hay while the sun is shining” and working on our infrastructure to get ahead of the game before planting season begins.

The greenhouse addition is all buttoned-up, and the extra elbow room (literally) has been great. The seeding has begun, and the onions are coming up—a welcome site.

onions a sproutin’

A shout-out thank you to Carole and Fred Barth for the storm door. One of those things that you take because you might need it, store it for 3 years, and then find the perfect use.

The view from the west

We are slowly moving everything out of the east half of the old barn and into the new one. One benefit of this move is that we now have a shop! Every farm needs a place to park equipment and work on it, and we look forward to initiating some winter maintenance very soon.

And as is the case every February, the snow geese fly over the farm on their way north. Their clamoring is always a sign that the season has begun.

snow geese in formation