SWEET PEPPERS F/P This morning we picked them all and came away with quite a haul! There will be 2-3 lbs. per share this week. See Tom’s post for a pepper relish recipe.
LETTUCE OR ARUGULA F/P The high tunnel is a bit ahead of schedule and so we are picking some of the greens that just couldn’t wait any longer.
TOMATOES/GREEN TOMATOES F With frost in the forecast, the tomatoes are stripped bare and coming to you in shades of green.
HERB CHOICE F/P Cilantro, dill or parsley.
BEANS OR BROCCOLI P The last of the beans and the broccoli is attempting a comeback.
EGGPLANT F Baby fruit picked ahead of the frost.
SWEET POTATOES F/P Your choice of Beauregard (orange) or Bonita (yellow).
GREENS CHOICE F kale, chard or gailan.
RADISHES OR BEETS F This is a tricky one. We aren’t sure how much we will have until we pull them tomorrow.
NEXT WEEK: the last week of the regular 24-week season. Sweet potatoes, leeks, greens, bulb fennel, herbs, garlic.
The forecast for Thursday morning stands at 34 deg. F at the moment. That’s cold enough with clear skies and a calm wind to kill the summer crops. To every thing, there is a season and so we say goodbye to the summer with one last mega harvest. With one day left to bring it all in, we still have a big list. Today we harvested the last of the sweet potatoes, all of the peppers, eggplant and tomatoes, over 1,000 pounds total. Tomorrow once the CSA harvest is complete, we will turn our focus to the crops that remain, adding row cover for frost protection and installing the doors on the high tunnel. If anyone wants to come help, the more the merrier!!

Before frost threatened, your farmers snuck in a short vacation. Shocking, I know! Not since Tom and I traveled to Arkansas in January had we both left the farm for an overnight. Between chickens, greenhouses, and the fields, it is pretty impossible for both of us to be gone at the same time. With the greenhouse empty, the fields all but harvested, and a couple of conscientious human beings to care for the chickens, we made our escape. Wednesday night through Friday we transplanted ourselves to Leavenworth, Kansas. Part foodie roadtrip, part genealogy research, we spent our time eating Korean food, tromping around cemeteries and exploring the pre-Civil War history of the county.
On our way back we tracked down the graves of my great-great grandparents, Catherine and Peter Graff. Peter was born in Germany and married Catherine from North Carolina.