Category Archives: seed saving

In the Share – Week 11

CUCUMBERS F/P  In the photo are our pickling cucumbers which are varieties that are self-polinating and can be kept undercover to protect them from the dreaded cucumber beetles and squash bugs.  You can pickle them, but they are good fresh too!

TOMATOES F/P  Last week I made a typo and said you were all getting around a pound of tomatoes.  Tom and I had contemplated switching to the metric system on the farm and so had changed the scale to kilograms.  Wednesday shares received around 2 pounds and by Monday’s delivery we were over 3.  The switch to metric is now postponed for now.

CARROTS F/P  We are going to pull these little orange ones out of the field just as fast as we can.  The heat is threatening to cook them in the ground!  To store any roots with tops, separate the two immediately and either compost or one of our members says she loves carrot top pesto.  I keep meaning to try it, I bet it’s good.

BEETS OR TURNIPS F  Out of the coolers, just the roots.


HERB CHOICE F/P  Basil, thyme, cutting celery

EGGPLANT F  See Tom’s post on ways to enjoy one of our favorite vegetables.

WALLA WALLA ONIONS F/P   Trimming these is a nice shady job for the membership on mornings when they come to help.

CABBAGE F  Out of the coolers and perfect for a summer slaw.  Tom has a nice slaw recipe this week with cabbage and beets.

SUMMER SQUASH P  The first planting is on its way out, the second growing well but won’t have fruit for a few weeks.

SALSA PACK P  I heard it is America’s most popular condiment.  It is a favorite in our kitchen.

NEXT WEEK:  Tomatoes, eggplant, garlic, salsa packs, peppers and potatoes.

Oh my what a summer we are having.  It is starting to feel like those climates where whoever can stay in the shade during the day, does.  Last year up in Iowa I was commended by CSA farmers who said they couldn’t imagine a 24 week season and our brutal summers.

It’s all relative, as I have tried to visit CSA farms in Texas and Louisiana, and they are few and far between.  Today we were dazed in the field contemplating full moon farming. We may have to try it.

But how would we have the fun of heirloom tomato seed-saving if we didn’t sweat it out in the tomato patch?  We grow around 20 varieties and save the best couple fruit for seed for next year.  Here’s a link on how to: