GARLIC F/P Musik hardneck
TOMATOES F/P We ended up with a lot of green-when-ripe heirloom tomatoes this year – Green Zebra, Aunt Ruby’s German Green and Emerald Evergreen have all done well.
DESIREE POTATOES F/P They look like they are blushing.
SALSA PACK F/P Partial shares get a choice with eggplant.
GREEN BEANS F/P We will pick the Roma, flat-podded, beans tomorrow. They’ll be a choice with the usual ones.
HERBS OR HOT PEPPERS F Parsley, hot peppers or dried herbs. See Tom’s post for more on the hot peppers.
SWEET PEPPERS F/P We are looking forward to several more weeks of these pretty ladies.
CUCUMBERS OR SUMMER SQUASH F Perhaps the last week for these two.
NEXT WEEK: More tomatoes, beans, peppers, eggplant and tomatillos. Carrots and onions.
Whitey, the newest member of the farm team, was put straight to work delivering the Saturday shares. Sweetpea, the VW, is taking a break until we can get her to the mechanic. The new van is a completely different reality – bland perhaps, with an automatic transmission, power steering, a/c and even a radio (!) doing deliveries has become a pretty cush gig. Thanks to Lawson Bank for loaning us the money to buy a good used solution to what had become a serious problem for the farm.
For the first time in weeks, the soil has dried enough to cultivate. Monday we tackled the fall crops with machinery, hand tools and hands. By the end of the day we had the tidied-up many rows of cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, turnips, radishes and greens.