SWEET PEPPER (F) Mainly red bells and marconis, some yellow bells and a few others.
RATTLESNAKE BEANS (F/P) Our favorite bean is an heirloom climber that should be let to get a little larger than the average bush bean.
BUTTERNUT SQUASH (F/P) Just enough for everyone and they’re not very good keepers – eat soon.
GARLIC (F/P) Garlic is a choice for the partials with the herbs.
GREENS CHOICE: Collards or Kale (F/P) The greens have enjoyed the wet summer and producing lots of tasty leaves.
HERB CHOICE (F/P) thyme, chives or basil or a dried herb.
Also this week: Bread of Life bread shares
Next Week: More beans, peppers and greens. Potatoes and onions. Meat & egg share delivery.
Farm report
Everyone on the farm is excited to be ushering back in the greens. If you are new to cooking greens, Tom’s got some yummy and simple recipes for even the worst greenaphobe. Kale, collards, and their many brasica cousins are some of the tastiest and most nutritious vegetables there are. So far all of our plantings are growing well, save for some rutabagas that were lost early to the water and weeds. The different hues of purple to green are making for some pretty fields.
With Rocky’s first birthday just a month and a half away, we thought we’d update everyone on his progress. Our little pup, who weighed just forty pounds when we brought him home at four months has become quite the dog. At around 100 lbs, (we think. Its really hard to get a 100 lb. dog on a scale), he’s now at full size (we hope!) and is a handsome mix of Anatolian Shepard and Great Pyrennes. He has a stately air about him these days and is beginning to lose a bit of his youthful exuberance. In the mornings if there aren’t any new CSA members to sniff, he follow us through the fields, flopping in the closest shade and napping mostly. If it’s not too hot he might go on walkabout and scavenge for animal bones. Rarely he scores big, as he did last week when he greeted the CSA members in the bean patch with an entire deer leg in his mouth. He proudly pranced around us but didn’t get too close thankfully. When he’s not performing for the farm’s visitors, he does guard his territory. In the evenings as the farm’s wildlife awaken, Rocky becomes alert to the world around him. Not a hunter, unless you count the mice that he steals from the cats, he prefers to guard his territory through the intimidating sound of his deep bark. However, a few d
ays ago he apparently got too close to a skunk. A member suggested tomato juice to neutralize the smell. We had some tomato sauce from ’04 and he didn’t seem to mind a bit. Around the same time, Rocky was almost re-named Barky after he began barking in all directions at once, day and night. The slightest whiff, of what we don’t know, would send him racing towards the back end of the farm . . . or to the neighbors. He kept it up for several days, but recently seems to be at a new more sensical level. We’re glad our pup is maturing into such a swell dog. We hope everyone is enjoying his presence on the farm. If you haven’t yet met him, you have surely enjoyed the fruits of his labors.