LETTUCE (F/P) We will be pulling them out from under their blanket of double row cover.
FALL CARROTS (F/P) Finally found the Bolero carrots that I know I planted somewhere amongst the storage carrots. Darn sweet and long-legged, perhaps the best of the season.
GARLIC (F) Mostly our artichoke variety. Partials have a choice with the herbs.
GREEN PEPPERS (F/P) A long, slow frying releases their sweetness
VARIOUS ROOTS: HAKUREI TURNIPS, RUTABAGAS & WATERMELON RADISHES (F) See Tom’s blog for an identification lesson.
GREENS CHOICE: KALE, SWISS CHARD OR BOK CHOI (F) See if you can taste the difference after a couple of frosts.
ALSO THIS WEEK: Bread of Life Bakery delivery
NEXT WEEK: Our last CSA distribution for 2009. Next week we’ll have lettuce, herbs, greens, more carrots, beets, kohlrabi, celeriac and radishes. The few winter squash that we harvested plus the last of the sweet potatoes and bulb fennel.
THE FIELDS: Fall is in full expression at the farm. Frosty mornings, the yellowing leaves and some glorious sunrises. All that remains after the frosts last week (29 degrees or thereabouts) are the brassica family standing solidly with no need for cover, as are the last of the leeks and celeriac. Then, there are those that are hardy with a bit of help from us: the lettuces, beets, carrots, arugula, herbs. The summer crops are in various stages of decomposition. After we remove irrigation tape, trellising, stakes and cages, we mow and then spade the crop under. When not deconstructing the season, we mulch. This week it’s the speedy kind. Take an empty 200′ bed, a round hay bale and three farmers and in 20 minutes or less it is covered with a thick winter blanket of organic matter.
After a morning of cold-weather farming, the farm crew appreciates a pot of tea and some indoor work. Today we inventoried what is left of this year’s seed and processed seed we had collected earlier this season. It’s a necessary step in the process of planning for next year’s harvests. Can I say I’m already looking forward to next season??