SWEET POTATOES: Your choice of orange or cream-colored sweets.
GARLIC: Soft-necks types, Artichoke and Silverskin, are good-keepers
CARROTS: More stubby Chantenays
GAI LAN: Also known as “Chinese broccoli”, see Tom’s post for cooking ideas.
ARUGULA OR SPINACH: A 1/2 lb. bag of either.
RADISHES AND TURNIPS: A bag of fresh-eating varieties: Watermelon radishes and Hakurei turnips.
SCALLIONS: A bunch of dainty green onions out of the high tunnel.
SWISS CHARD OR BOK CHOY: Hardy greens for winter stews and braising
DRIED HERBS: Your choice out of the box of tins.
NEXT WEEK: No shares until April 2014. Come see us at the BadSeed Market, 1909 McGee KCMO, 4-8 pm.
Here we are at the final week of our first 31-week CSA season and man, what a year! The Fair Share Farm CSA turned ten this year and the harvest was a bountiful one. The season did not start on a good note with freezing temperatures and even snow on Mother’s Day. It was the first time we had ever needed to delay the start of the CSA season, which we did by one week. But, the weather warmed and the summer fruits ripened well. The summer heat kept the irrigation pond pumping, but a few stretches of cooler temperatures allowed good germination of the fall roots. With the last week of the season pushed into December, the farm’s coolers are full of produce with excess to donate to food pantries and to sell at the winter market. The time has finally arrived for your farmers to take a deep breath and forget about the farm for a few weeks before we prepare do it all over again. We look forward to seeing you all on the other side of the calendar! Until then, happy eating!!
(not in photo: Mommakitty, Sunny & the chickens)