Giant RattlesnakesI’m talking of course of the purple striped Rattlesnake beans in the share this week. Some of them evade the picker’s eye for a round or two and grow quite large. These are still good, but will require some stringing.
The culinary suggestion for the week also relates to the beans. Whether it’s the Rattlesnake, Italian flat bean or regular green bean, they are all great with just the simplest of preparations. Steaming them and dressing with just a little salt and butter or oil is all you need. Enjoy the flavor of freshly picked beans while you can.
What’s Not in the Share
We’d been keeping an eye on several elderberry patches on and near the farm, and Sunday enjoyed a good harvest—over 12 pounds. Half of the berries are now fermenting, on their way, we hope, to becoming wine. The rest is destined to be jelly.
Elderberries abound in this area. Look for them along roadways and near culverts or other low areas. If you decide to forage some simply search the web for a recipe that suits you. Elderberries contain antioxidants and are know to exhibit anti-viral properties. It’s been a good year for elderberries, so take advantage if you dare.
CSA Bulk Week of
Item Member Cost Non- Member Cost
Dried herbs: $1.75 $2.00
thyme, marjoram, dried hot peppers, lovage, lavendar flowers, coriander, oregano
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