Category Archives: fingerling potatoes

In the Share – Week 15

FINGERLING POTATOES F/P  There are some peace-sign shapes in with the fingers.

TOMATOES F/P  The tomato harvest has peaked but we will still have some for many weeks yet.

GARLIC F/P  Artichoke variety



SWEET PEPPPERS F  We are just picking the purple peppers while we wait for the red and yellow varieties to ripen.


ROMA TOMATOES F Tom’s Italian ancestry must be to blame for the many varieties of Roma/paste/sauce-making varieties in our fields.  See his post for his thoughts on enjoying them.

HERBS OR HOT PEPPERS F/P  Basil or chives plus a few stems of garlic chive flowers.

NEXT WEEK:  Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, salsa packs, herbs and onions.

We had a nice dry spell this past week which gave us perfect conditions for killing weeds.  I ran the cultivator through the fall broccolis, cauliflowers and cabbages and then we all hoed the ones the tractor missed.   

The last of the fall crops – arugula, endive, lettuce, turnips and herbs were planted just in time to be watered in by the 1 inch + rain we got today. 

Throughout the day as we go about our tasks, we often catch ourselves scanning the farm for our big white dog.   He is gone, but not forgotten.  Thank you to all of you who sent your kind words of support and sympathy our way.  It lifts our spirits.  On that subject, long-time FSF CSA members, Janet and Kevin Day, asked us to share their thoughts:   

“First, we want to tell you how sorry we are about Rocky’s passing. Seeing Rocky was one of the things we loved most about our farm visits, and I fell in love with him during my first visit to the farm when he was still a puppy. We will miss him, so we can only imagine how heartbroken you must be.

We also want to assure you that you can stop apologizing for what you consider somewhat skimpy shares this year. For one thing, we don’t consider them skimpy. When we become CSA members, we understand that we share in the harvests, no matter what the weather and conditions bring. You farmers take on risks that other professions turn tail and run from.  By putting in with you, we also assume risks, but more than that, we support your lives and livelihoods while you dramatically improve your little corner of Earth. We’ve been members for eight years, and prior to that, Janet had been a member of three other CSAs, none of which have offered the amount, variety and quality of produce that Fair Share has, year after year.

But that’s not all you two and your farm have offered us. You two have helped to create a community of local providers. Every Wednesday, during the CSA season, we pick up the freshest, most delicious produce in town and locally made cheese from two area dairies, Goatsbeard Farm and Skyview Farm. Then once a month, we get chickens and eggs from Tiny Whole Farm and meat from Parker Farm. And once in a while, we get bread from Companionship Bread, a local bakery you’ve hooked us up with. We’ve never belonged to a CSA that assisted their members in finding other local providers.

Every time we work a farm shift, it’s like a mini apprenticeship. We’ve watched your land get healthier and more productive year by year, and we’ve borrowed ideas from you and applied them in our gardens. So thanks to you two, we’re growing produce you’ve introduced us to using methods you’ve taught us.

So to our fellow CSAers, especially those new to Fair Share: thank you for joining us–and Tom and Rebecca–in this endeavor.  We hope you also see the bigger picture even with some “small” harvests.  Stick around and you’ll be rewarded! ”

 Many thanks,

Janet and Kevin Day

Thank you, Janet and Kevin!  We strive every day to deserve such trust and support.  We do love the community that has sprung up around us and hate to think what life would be like without you all.   We are looking forward to celebrating the harvest with many of you at the upcoming FSF CSA Harvest dinner on the farm on September 13.  Mark your calendars, if you haven’t already, and keep your eyes peeled for an official invite coming soon.

2014 hayride at the Harvest dinner