Category Archives: okra

In the Share – Week 16

SWEET PEPPERS (F/P) Ripe sweet peppers are a real treat.  The fruit stays green for months before finally turning to their brilliant shades of yellow and red in late summer.  Finally the wait is over and we have loads of them coming in.  We also have a good selection of 2nds with small blemishes on the bulk list for those of you who would like to freeze some.

TOMATOES (F/P)  More heirlooms and hybrids of all shades and sizes

CARROTS (F/P)  More orange ones this week.

GREEN BEANS (F/P)  The bush beans are done, but the Rattlesnake pole beans continue on.

SALSA PACK OR OKRA (F/P)  We picked 30 lbs. of okra today from some very healthy plants.  Expect to see it in the shares for the next month. 

TURNIP GREENS (F)  Normally we would thin the turnips when they were much younger than they are now.  The plus side of the delay is that they are at a very tasty size for sharing.  Tom’s working on a recipe as I write this so check with his post.

RADISHES (F)  More pink ones.  The greens are edible as I was reminded recently.  A light cooking removes the prickles.

CHERRY TOMATOES (F/P)  A quart for the full shares, a pint for the partials.

GARLIC & BASIL (F/P)  A bit of both:  one sprig of basil and one garlic head for each share.

NEXT WEEK:  More tomatoes, peppers, beans, salsa packs, okra and cherry tomatoes.  Maybe lettuce.  Onions and potatoes if we can find the time.


The 1.2 inches of rain on Sunday brought relief to the heat-stressed plants and people.  When you have more tomatoes to pick than hours in the day, it is a lot nicer to be in this pleasant weather than last week’s oven.

The baking heat was appreciated by the okra plants.  They are reaching for the sky and are loaded with fruit.  Speaking of loads of fruit,  a bumper crop of tomatoes is a lot of work but has a great payoff.  What other occupation do you get to eat your prized accomplishments?  I need to stop writing so that I can do just that…  happy eating!