In the Share – Week 20

TOMATOES (F/P) A few more from the dwindling patch
BROCCOLI (F/P) A bountiful crop (hooray!)
JADE BEANS (F/P) Another big week for the beans from this last planting.
SWEET POTATOES (F/P) This week they are the specialty Japanese type with the white flesh. Extra sweet and creamy.
LEEKS (F/P) The first fall harvest of the most buttery allium.
ASIAN GREENS (F) An assortment of tat soi, bok choy, etc. from the patch.
SWEET PEPPERS (F/P) Despite their image as a heat lover, they really thrive in the cool weather of early fall.
OKRA, SUMMER SQUASH OR EGGPLANT (F) Summer crops that are still kicking it into the fall.
ARUGULA (F) Partials have a choice of arugula with their herb choices.
HAKUREI TURNIPS OR RADISHES (F/P) The Hakureis are just melt-in-your-mouth good right now. They are tasty cooked, but they usually go right in our mouths raw.
ALSO THIS WEEK: Parker Farms delivery
NEXT WEEK: Fewer tomatoes and beans. Lots more broccoli, turnips, greens and peppers. The summer squash, eggplant and okra continue. Lettuce returns along with beets, kohlrabi and garlic. The beginnings of the cauliflower.
THE FIELDS: As I write this the sun is setting on the first day of fall. It is a happy time of year at the farm. The season for planting has passed and our responsibilities now rest with tending to the crops we have. Whatever we have has to be good enough, no more can be squeezed in before the approaching frost. In our case, this year, we are pretty content with the state of the crops. The cauliflower appears to be smaller than we would like and there’s spots on the leeks, but overall the harvest is good, even perhaps great. This week you may notice that your shares are pretty hefty. Full shares are getting 11 items this week, partials 8. The fields are yielding a bounty and we are very pleased to be able to share it with you.

Besides harvesting the bounty this week we found some time to turn the compost pile. We have a three-bin system. Raw materials go in the first bin and accumulate, then we shovel them into the second, and by the time we get to the third it’s beautiful black gold. The finished product is destined for next February’s first seedlings in the greenhouse.

As Tom mentioned we are going on a short overnight trip after the harvest tomorrow. We are excited about our first overnight away from the farm since, well, February? We have planned nothing yet and will be largely making it up as we go. Destinations may include Arrow Rock and/or Powell Gardens new Heartland Harvest Garden. Many thanks to farm apprentice, the lovely Lori Watley for keeping track of the animals during our short absence.

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