In the Share – Week 3

peas ready for picking

LETTUCE (F2/P1) This week we are picking some lovely romaine lettuces along with more beautiful butterheads, from the French this time, Pirat.

STRAWBERRIES (F/P) The berries are a lot smaller and less plentiful this week so everyone is getting pints instead of quarts.

GARLIC SCAPES (F/P) If you are new to garlic scapes, they are the most tender part of the garlic plant. Chop up and add to any dish, cooked or raw, for a delicate garlic flavor.

NAPA CABBAGE (F) The farm crew was super excited to harvest this big babies today as we haven’t had much luck with the Napa cabbage (alias Chinese cabbage) for a few years. Read Tom’s post for a killer salad that uses almost everything from your share this week.

PEAS (F/P) Tomorrow morning we will pick the patch for the first time. Looks like there’s a lot of peas out there, both sugarsnap and snow varieties.

BROCCOLI (F) The broccoli is small this spring due to the hot, dry weather but we have enough that we should have some for a few weeks. Partial shares get broccoli next week. 

HAKUREI TURNIPS (F/P) More juicy turnip goodness this week.

HERB CHOICE (F/P) Cilantro, dill or radishes (radishes really aren’t an herb but they do add spice!)

NEXT WEEK:  More lettuce, peas, turnips and radishes.  Onions, kohlrabi and broccoli.


Oh my, it is dry. We haven’t had rain since the beginning of the month when we had the hail storm. Since then unseasonably hot, dry weather has wicked away the moisture. The farm’s soil is dusty and cracked, a typical sight in July, not May. We spend whatever time we can spare putting out irrigation lines on crops that we hardly ever irrigate. Usually the spring rains give the onions, potatoes, peas and lettuces all the drink they need. Not this year. So, out we walk our miles of drip line. Luckily the pond is full and the sun shines powering our pump for free. The problem is that all this extra time spent on irrigation is less time spent on other tasks. So far we seem to be not too far off schedule, but the list is long of crops to still be planted, weeded, mulched, etc.

onion weeding mob

On Saturday morning after the harvest was complete we found ourselves with an extra hour with the membership. Not to let an opportunity like that to pass us by we gathered at the onion patch and proceeded to pull weeds. Thanks to the nimble fingers of many the onions are in tip-top shape. After filling vehicles with produce destined for the Liberty distribution and wishing everyone a fond farewell, Tom, Ryan and I managed to get the first line of trellising on all of the tomatoes. Just in the nick of time too what with the strong winds threatening to topple the quick-growing plants. Afterwards, we cleaned ourselves up as best we could and headed to Lawrence, KS, where we attended the wedding of farm apprentice, Dani Hurst and her groom, Derek Brown. It was a heartfelt ceremony with beautiful weather, good food and lots of DIY decorations gleaned from the farm. We were honored to be invited to share in their happy day and wish them all the best in their future together.

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