What to Do With Your Share—Week 11

As your farmers, Rebecca and I don’t get a share, but are lucky enough to be able to chose every night what we want to eat from the bounty of the week. Sometimes we are struck by the beauty of what is available and are drawn to particular vegetables. For us the combination of chard, eggplant and Walla Walla onions cries out for a dish that includes them all.

For this week’s dish we borrowed a bit from a recipe from our first year, Stuffed Chard Leaves, and modified it to suit what we had at hand. As is the case with both eggplant and greens, the trick is to cook things long enough so that they are tender, and so that the flavors can blend.

Chard Leaves Stuffed with Eggplant and Onions
2 medium or 1 large eggplant
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
1 cup grated parmesan or other cheese
salt and pepper to taste
8 chard leaves
3 tbsp olive oil

To Make the Stuffing: Cut the stems off the chard at the bottom of the leaves. Then chop the stems, eggplant, onions and garlic into a small dice and saute in 1 to 2 tbsp olive oil for 10 minutes over medium heat, or until eggplant is tender. Let cool slightly and mix with the cheese.

To Make the Wraps: Dip the chard leaves in boiling water for 1 minute to soften them. When slightly cool, place 1 to 2 tbsp of stuffing and fold them into a wrap/pouch.

Pre-heat the oven to 375 F. Place the wraps on an oiled baking sheet. Rub the tops of the wraps with olive oil to help prevent them from browning and drying out. Bake for 30 minutes. You can also pour tomato sauce over them, or cover them to help them stay moist.

Bulk Order List (week of July 20)
Kale – $3.00/bunch
Swiss chard – $3.00 per bunch
Carrots – $3.00/bunch
Walla Walla onions $3.00/bunch
Oregano, basil, mint, dill flowers $2.oo/bunch
Dried herbs $2.00/tin (thyme, marjoram, dried hot peppers, lovage, lavendar flowers, coriander, oregano, rosemary)

One thought on “What to Do With Your Share—Week 11

  1. Hi Tom and Rebecca,
    Kathi forwarded your note for the week as I will be picking up her share Saturday. I thoroughly enjoyed the blog. You are doing such a fabulous job with members and children. The photos are wonderful. Your members are fortunate to be able to share your bounty!
    Linda Hezel
    Prairie Birthday Farm

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